At three months, Aiden was 14 pounds. Double his birth weight. He loved cooing and tummy time and could pick his head up off the floor and roll from his tummy to his back.
We took him on his first hike. He was so observant and interested in the things around him. He loved being outside and cooed the whole time we were hiking.
He always put his fingers in his mouth three or more at a time. He also started reaching out to touch things and bring them to his mouth.
Funny things happened in month three!
One night in his sleep Dave said " Are you throwing peas at daddy Aiden?"
Aiden had his first laugh! Dave had just come home from work and Aiden did not want to be away from him. Dave had to go to the bathroom so, brought Aiden in with him and put him in front of him in the Bumbo. Dave was making funny poop faces and Aiden burst out in a huge belly laugh. I heard them from down the hall.